Core Functions

addToList(list,account)addToList(list, account)

  • Adds accountaccount to listlist

  • Only StandardGovernorStandardGovernor or EmergencyGovernorEmergencyGovernor are able to execute this addition.

removeFromList(list,account)removeFromList(list, account)

  • Removes accountaccount from listlist

  • Only StandardGovernorStandardGovernor or EmergencyGovernorEmergencyGovernor are able to execute this removal.

setKey(key,value)setKey(key, value)

  • Sets key=valuekey = value

  • Only StandardGovernorStandardGovernor or EmergencyGovernorEmergencyGovernor are able to execute.

get(key):valueget(key): value

  • Returns valuevalue for keykey.

get(keys[]):values[]get(keys[]): values[]

  • Returns values[]values[] for keys[]keys[].

listContains(list,account):booleanlistContains(list, account): boolean

  • Returns whether listlist contains accountaccount or not.

listContains(list,accounts[]):booleanlistContains(list, accounts[]): boolean

  • Returns whether listlist contains accountsaccounts or not.

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