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Copyright 2024 M^0 Foundation
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The nature of the Adopted Guidance is such that it must allow for only one valid version per voting epoch to be agreed upon. This poses a specific challenge in the case where multiple changes to the Adopted Guidance are being voted on simultaneously within a single epoch, especially since Governance requires the ability to accept or reject each change separately.
As such, the process of amending and updating the Adopted Guidance should be split into two votes:
In the first voting epoch, one or multiple proposals are voted on. They can be accepted or rejected independently on an individual basis (i.e. the Discrete Change Proposal).
During the second voting epoch, all individually approved proposals are consolidated into a new version of the Adopted Guidance via voting (i.e. the Executive Change Proposal). While the physical act of consolidation and an Executive Change Proposal can be done by anyone, we are expecting some of the proponents, or the M^0 Foundation as protector of the ecosystem, to perform such duties.
We expect proponents to clearly state whether a proposal should be considered as a Discrete Change Proposal or an Executive Change Proposal.
New proposals shall only be deemed valid upon confirmation of the relevant Executive Change Proposal.
An example flow is detailed below:
A proposal shall clearly reference each section and/or sentence that is subject to change and clearly state what it shall be replaced with. Any ambiguity that could lead to different interpretations for the consolidated version will be avoided. In order to facilitate individual votes, a proposal should be formulated in a way that is as atomized as possible.
The visual below shows an example of an appropriately proposed amendment to the Adopted Guidance:
Date: June 22, 1633
Author: Galileo Galilei
Adopted Guidance - Discrete Change Proposal
Context (option, will not become a part of the Adopted Guidance): This change is required to explain observations made on planets.
Old: “0.0.1 The earth stands still.”
New: “0.0.1 The earth moves around the sun.
stands still.”
In the event of conflicting versions or proposals, the most recently executed proposal that was executed on-chain should be considered valid.