III.I Inputs
List of protocol inputs by the M^0 Two Token Governor (TTG).
The M^0 TTG (hereafter TTG) is responsible for the following inputs to the M^0 protocol and to itself (see Section III.III Governance Controlled TTG Parameters, Section II.II Governance Controlled Protocol Actors, and Section II.III Governance Controlled Protocol Parameters for further context on the actors and parameters listed below):
Governance Controlled TTG Parameters
Proposal Fee
POWER Threshold
ZERO Threshold
CASH Toggle
Governance Controlled Protocol Actors
A list of approved Minters
A list of approved Validators
A list of Approved Earners
Governance Controlled Protocol Parameters
Minter Rate
Penalty Rate
Earner Rate
Mint Ratio
Mint Delay
Propose Mint Time To Live
Update Collateral Interval
Number of Signatures
Minter Freeze Time
Last updated