

  • Callable by minterminter approved by TTG who is not frozen at the moment

  • Executes the mintIdmintId created by proposeMint()proposeMint()

  • Checks that mintIdmintId is still executable by verifying that now>=mintDelay  AND  now<=mintTTLnow>=mintDelay \;AND\; now<=mintTTL

  • Checks that minter is still sufficiently collateralized: (CVmintertotalPendingCollateralRetrievalsminter)MR>=activeOwedMminter+amount(CV_{minter} - totalPendingCollateralRetrievals_{minter})* MR >= activeOwedM_{minter} + amount NOTE: If CVminterCV_{minter} was not updated on time, the protocol assumes that it is set to 0

  • Deletes mintIdmintId proposal

  • Updates totalActiveOwedMtotalActiveOwedM and activeOwedMminteractiveOwedM_{minter} totalActiveOwedM+=amounttotalActiveOwedM += amount

    activeOwedMminter+=amountactiveOwedM_{minter} += amount

  • Mints amountamount of M to destinationdestination address

  • Calls updateIndexupdateIndex.

Last updated

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