| | |
MintersList | The list of Mintersā addresses | TTG name: minters [0xbCcA4494d525008f70Ba72Ac8D1A57B4D1908FcF, ...] |
ValidatorsList | The list of Validatorsā addresses | TTG name: validators [0xbCcA4494d525008f70Ba72Ac8D1A57B4D1908FcF, ...] |
EarnersList | The list of whitelisted Earnersā addresses | TTG name: earners [0xbCcA4494d525008f70Ba72Ac8D1A57B4D1908FcF, ...] |
| The ratio that defines the amount of owedMminterā a Minter may maintain relative to their (collateralValueminterāātotalRetrievalAmount) | TTG name: mint_ratio There is $10,000 of the CV and the MR is 95%.
The Minter may mint up to $M 9,500 without incurring penalty charges. |
| Yearly Interest rate that continuously accrues on M owed to the protocol Smart contract that implements logic for calculation of minterRate
It implements getRate() method that returns value of minterRate in BPS | TTG name: minter_rate_model APY % in BPS
minterRate = 100 bps |
earnerInterestRateModelearnerRate | Yearly Interest rate that continuously accrues on M owned by earners
Smart contract that implements the logic for calculation of safe earnerRate
It implements getRate() method that returns value of earnerRate in BPS | TTG name: earner_rate_model APY % in BPS
earnerRate = 500 bps |
penaltyRate | A discrete fee that is levied on: owedMminterā if CVminterā was not updated on time. Penalty is charged only once per every missed updateCollateralInterval
excessiveOwedMminterā if it is present after CVminterā was updated
| TTG name: penalty_rate penalty = 0.1% in BPS
penaltyRate = 10 bps
mintDelay | The amount of time by which a mint request is delayed before it can be executed | TTG name: mint_delay mintDelay = 14,400 sec |
| The amount of time that mint request can remain live before it can no longer be executed
| TTG name: mint_ttl mintTTL = 3,600 sec |
minterFreezeTime | The amount of time that minter stays frozen after one freeze call | TTG name: minter_freeze_time minterFreezeTime = 21,600 sec |
updateCollateralInterval | The length of time in seconds that Minter has to call updateCollateral, from the previous time it was called by that minter, before they will incur the penalty. | TTG name: update_collateral_interval updateCollateralInterval = 108,000 sec |
updateCollateralValidatorThreshold | The number of validators required to verify the validity of updateCollateral data. | TTG name: update_collateral_threshold updateCollateralThreshold = 1 |
isEarnersListIgnored | Reserved for future use to be able to drop any whitelisting checks for earners | TTG name: earners_list_ignored earnersListIgnored=false |