Protocol Variables Controlled by TTG



Notes & Examples

The list of Minters’ addresses

[0xbCcA4494d525008f70Ba72Ac8D1A57B4D1908FcF, ...]

The list of Validators’ addresses

[0xbCcA4494d525008f70Ba72Ac8D1A57B4D1908FcF, ...]

The list of whitelisted Earners’ addresses

[0xbCcA4494d525008f70Ba72Ac8D1A57B4D1908FcF, ...]

The Minter may mint up to $M 9,500 without incurring penalty charges.

Yearly Interest rate that continuously accrues on M owed to the protocol

APY % in BPS

APY % in BPS

A discrete fee that is levied on:

penalty = 0.1% in BPS

The amount of time by which a mint request is delayed before it can be executed

The amount of time that mint request can remain live before it can no longer be executed

Reserved for future use to be able to drop any whitelisting checks for earners

Last updated

Copyright 2024 M^0 Foundation