III.III Governance Controlled TTG Parameters
List of Governance controlled TTG parameters.
The internal currency of the TTG. It is used to pay Proposal Fee and to purchase POWER in the Dutch auction. It can be toggled between WETH and $M.
Logic: This token must be permissionless and well distributed in order to prevent takeover of the TTG. It should also have sufficient value to its holders in order to deter spam and to increase the efficiency of the Dutch auction.
Proposal Fee
The amount paid in CASH to submit any proposal. It is alterable with a Standard Proposal.
Logic: This amount should be sufficiently high to deter spam, but not so high as to deter legitimate proposals.
POWER Threshold
The number of yes votes as a percentage of the total POWER supply required to pass proposals which require a POWER Threshold.
Logic: This percentage should be low enough to ensure that in an emergency situation, enough POWER holders can be collected to pass a proposal. It should be high enough that a malicious proposal cannot be passed instantly.
POWER Threshold = 80%. Therefore if there are 1,000,000 total POWER in existence, 800,000 POWER will need to vote affirmatively for a proposal to pass that requires a POWER Threshold.
ZERO Threshold
The number of yes votes as a percentage of the total ZERO supply required to pass proposals which require a ZERO Threshold.
Logic: This percentage should be low enough that it is possible to call Reset if necessary. It should be high enough to ensure that Reset is not called without a very high level of consensus.
ZERO Threshold = 60%. Therefore if there are 1,000,000,000 total ZERO in existence, 600,000,000 ZERO will need to vote affirmatively for a proposal to pass that requires a POWER Threshold.
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